"Mama can I use your perfume?" my daughter asks. Her go to is what I call my Mommy Perfume, 1000 by Jean Patou.

1000, (also referred to as Mille, French for 1,000) is a classic fragrance, launched in 1972 and named after its lab number: “it was the 1,000th attempt to nail the vision of Jean Patou and Jean Kerleo.” 1000 is housed in an iconic bottle, “designed by Art Deco architect and bottle designer Louis Süe, and modeled after the principle of divine proportion, a mathematical formula used by ancient Greek architects to achieve perfect proportions and symmetry.” https://www.fragrancenet.com/

Not only is the bottle classic but the Jean Patou (JP) logo is the very definition of simplicity of a wordmark. A wordmark is a type of logo that consists only of stylized text without any accompanying images or symbols. The logo was designed in the 1920s by Jean Patou himself, who was a visionary French fashion designer whose innovative designs were worn by contemporary celebrities such as Josephone Baker. In use for over 100 years it’s no wonder the design of the JP logo has become an iconic symbol of the Jean Patou brand. I love the collaboration between fashion and architecture truly elvating this brand. Simplicity wins again!

#fashion #perfume #parfume #design #industrialdesign #packingdesign #logo #brand #branding #luxurybrand #french https://www.linkedin.com/company/jean-patou/


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