Why Don't They Support Me Back?
This is a question I'm sure has come across everyone's mind as they dive into their own expanding networks seeking community, knowledge and clients. I find it perplexing especially when I see small businesses make this mistake and overlook possible "super fans" that can help spread their visual equity and grow their brand positively. It's a basic Kindergarten skill of sharing and caring as Mike Ashabraner simply explains with his network of Hounds Of Business Community.
Advice I learned a long time ago, was reaffirmed after leaving the corporate day-to-day space and am being reminded now as I'm scaling my business leaps and bounds...in general people think about what can you do for them and what have you done lately. The sooner you understand that, the less hurt feelings and frustrations you will feel. The more focus you will have to reach your own goals. Don't get caught up in wondering why people don't like your posts as long as you know you have value to share. Just keep creating good content that resonates.
What I have learned is the oversight of sharing the love it is not for a negative reason. Most people have tunnel vision, have family, things going on, might not have had a great kindergarten teacher or maybe just want to keep the green crayon for themselves. Either way, it's not about you. You keep sharing, you keep doing your best. People will notice. Kindness in business does exist.
Recently I heard the saying, a high tide raises all ships. You'd be surprised how many people are seeing your efforts.
#businesscommunity #networking #scaling #socialmediastrategy #Contentplan #brandidentity #designer Crayola #marketing #carebears Cloudco Entertainment