Be The Potato

It's good to explore other possiblities. Over the next two weeks I'm pivoting back to my roots and my first love. No, not vodka nor potatoes ... although I love both.


I've been holding a camera since the age of 6, running around with friends and my sisters with my Kodak 110 snapping away.

Fast forward. It's all digital now and all it takes for me to share my vision of the world is the time it takes to shoot, download, run images through PhotoShop and upload. It still takes time to do it right, but not 1-2 weeks mail-in or drop off at the pharmacy chain time. I'll be in Paris gathering content and getting into a different rhythm.

If you are planning on writing about the 2024 Olympics or Paris or just want original custom photography for your posts message me and we can work out a deal. I love challenges.

Photo generated by Adobe Firefly #workforhire #photography #2024olympics #content


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